**Find our church venues
i) FIND US at 11am at Macau Anglican College, Taipa, in the 3rd floor School Hall.
Macau Anglican College
109-117 Avenida Padre Tomas Pereira
Taipa – Macau
Taxi and Bus
The name of the bus stop that you want to get off is called: Hoi Wan Jardim (Hoi Wan Garden).
Or you can tell the Taxi driver: “Sheng Kung Hui Hoc Hau, Tamzai” (Anglican school, Taipa)
Parking Instructions
The school is built in a crescent shape and the school entrance is located on the inside of the ‘Beco da Baia’ roundabout next to ‘Hoi Wan Fa Yuen’. So you need to walk around from the street and bus stop (which are outside the circle) to the inside of the school circle to gain entrance. You can see this shape on the google map. The school is a big GREEN building. It’s big!
Once you have walked round to the inside of the school circle, you will see the inner roundabout for cars to turn. Enter the main lobby there at the inner corner and then once you go up the stairs and enter the lobby, turn to your left to take the lift up to the 3rd floor. Ignore the signs saying that the lifts are only for teachers.
ii) FIND US at 9am at Morrison Chapel
Taxi and Bus
Please tell the taxi driver “Buk Kup Chau Gong Yuen” .
In Chinese: 馬禮遜堂 (白鴿巢花園旁)
Buses #17 & #18A stop nearby.
Please note there is car parking available next to the underground MacDonalds and Ice skating rink next door. Please call for directions.